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Includes :
QHY9 8.3 Mpixel CCD Camera
Pelican Style Case
Power Supply
Power Regulator
Cables and leads
Shipping and Packing for :
Regular delivery
To :
Australia Wide - $30.00
Overnight Express
To :
$30.00 Victoria (Melb)
$45.00 NSW (Syd)
$45.00 S.A (Adel)
$55.00 QLD (Brisb)
$60.00 W.A (Perth)
$30.00 Tas (Hobart)
$60.00 NT (Alice Springs)
MUST be located within
30K from the CBD
Total pixels: 3448 x 2574
Effective pixels: 3358 x 2536
Pixel Size: 5.4um x 5.4um
FullWell: 25.5Ke-
Imager Size : 17.96mm H x 13.52mm V 4/3inch
Readout noise: -8e @1Mpixel/s
Preview Speed: 3Mpixel/s (3 sec Download time)
Download Speed: 1Mpixel/s (9 sec Download time)
Peak QE: 56% @540nm 48%@Ha
Microlensing on chip
ABG: 1000X
16bit ADC with CDS and Preamp
USB2.0 High Speed interface
Built in 32 MBytes SDRAM buffer
Supports Binning: 1 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4
Communication port for QHY Color Filter wheel
Improved 2-Stage TEC cooling -45 Deg C D (Ambient)
Improved Heat Sink specifically for the KODAK CCD
Built in Temp sensor and 16bit high precision ADC
DC201 TEC Controller & DC adapter, Regulated
Built in Mechanical shutter
Seperately sealed CCD Chamber
Weight: 510g
QHY9 is a classic mono camera using the popular 8.3 Mpixel KAF8300 CCD sensor.
This sensor has good overall QE for deep sky imaging.
The peak QE is @56% and it has 48% QE in the H-alpha wavelength.
The 4/3 inch size makes it well suited to many telescopes.
The QHY9 has a two stage TEC, and with typical delta T is -45C below ambient.
It offers outstanding thermal noise control. Compared with other models with -25 or -30C cooling, the QHY9 will give you a cleaner image. Even with long exposure times over those, hot summer or cold winter nights.
The QHY9 has very low readout noise as well compared with other 8300 based cameras.
The QHY9 has a sleek round design and is suitable for Hyperstar telescopes.
All Prices subject to change due
to current U.S Dollar